
We are open to submissions of poetry and articles related to poetry. We accept the following types of content:

  • Original poems, submitted by the author. Previous publication is allowed provided you maintain the right to publish elsewhere. Please ensure your poem fits our definition of mystical poetry, as “A poem which describes or evokes an experience of the sacred.” This definition is intentionally broad and does not specifically refer to faith-based poems (though those may be considered). As a reference point, mystical poets of history include Rumi, Kabir, Lalla, Mirabai, and Rilke. Modern mystical poets (by our definition) include Mary Oliver, David Whyte, Jane Hirshfield, and Dorothy Walters.
  • Essays about or inspired by poems written by others. The essay should have a direct link to the poem and must reference the poem either in part or in its entirety. The essay must be your original work. (500-2,500 words)
  • Analyses of poems. Articles providing a fresh and insightful analysis of a poem. This could focus on artistic elements, the craft of poetry, the ideas presented in the poem, or something else. The analysis must be your original work. (300-2,000 words)
  • Interviews with poets. From time to time, we accept interviews with poets – either in text, video, or audio format. The interview must be high-quality and ready for publication. It must be with a well-known, established poet.
  • Reviews of poetry books. The review must be your original work and will be published under your name.

We do not accept promotional pieces.

Submit your piece for consideration via the form below. We accept Google Docs, with sharing settings set to “Anyone with the link can edit.”